the author must be spiritual 'cause at the end of each chapter is 'a simple prayer of thanks' this is the one after the chapter 'maximize mealtimes'
dear god,thank you for the blessings of family & friends. Help my kitchen to become a place of refuge from the day and encouragement for facing whatever life brings tomorrow. fill our mealtimes with love & laughter. and help me to make changes that will make it fun to be at my house. amen.
i like the part about my kitchen being a place to find refuge and encouragement. i want that. and luckily for me i already have fun at my house. if you're reading this and you don't have fun at your house you might want to try this prayer out;)
my family planner is the best! everything in one mobile spot. i got mine at polar peeks books & treasures.
i haven't actually finished reading the book yet. (i'm not that organized) i'm looking forward to the upcoming chapters 'conquer cleaning & clutter' 'simplify your parenting' & 'simply have a great day'
with all this simplifying i've had some extra time to's the latest spoken word
2am angel
i pray to god
'cause i'm a sole guardian
i signed a line that legally binds
that boy's all mine.
so god
when you gonna send
a guardian angel?
so my soul guardianship
shines on so long
i see my soul son
in his soulful boyhood boredom
reach his wholesome manhood
i pray his face
never placed against a
cruiser hood
& could ya
would ya
grant me peace, serenity &
regard for humanity
should the cruiser hood days show up
before the man i up and raised
and i pray you find a way
to remind me of my own soulful ways
so in a moment i don't!
breathe in peace, breathe out love
rise above
raise my prayer
thanks and praise
for my journey today
'cause a mamas biggest weakness
is her imagination of the bleakest
we gotta slow down and nurture
our own damn souls
who signed up to guardian my dotted soul line?
me, myself, and i!
and i'm doing just fine
& it's fine time i wrote a rhyme
designed to describe
my fears.
oh! now you're all ears!
whisperin' 'i can;t believe i'm hear'n this?'
yes i said it!
i worry i might let it
all fall to pieces
do everything so unmistakenly wrong some
childhood psychatrist will
write her thesis
based on my mothering style
all the while
my daily exsistence is merely
trial & error
is it any wonder
i woke from my cruiser lights night terror
with the urge to write a prayer?
it's 2am.