I survived the first week of summer vacation and Canada Day long weekend! It has been very busy keeping the boys organized, meeting with doula clients, serving tables at The Bridge Bistro, and getting my lemonade stand ready for the first Mountain Market of the season. As I mentioned in my last post I'm determined to keep those boys busy this summer and so far I've been successful! On Friday we started the day with a gentle hatha yoga class from
yogadownload.com The boys had so much fun. Grunting, during downward dog saying "I thought yoga was suppose to be relaxing!" It was a great way to set the tone for the day, and get them moving right away. The only thing I'll change, is getting some food in their bellies first, by the time the half hour class was over they were both pretty hungry.
I saw a great
craft on Pinterest that just used scraps of paper and a hole punch! (That's my kind of craft)
The Virgo in me envisioned all the paper strips cut and ready to go, but my reality knocked that stars lined up vision outta my head, and I handed my boys their scissors. (Maybe this week I'll have all the crafts prepped ready to go)
I also added star and music note shaped hole punches to the mix, along with some silver glitter!
I even discovered a photo of myself enjoying this craft! Apparently Nesta has learned the art of elusive photography for blog purposes! I don't know where he could have learned that skill?
I had so much fun! And my hole punch art is pretty groovy to boot!
Lets see what's next? Oh yes! The boys got some media time while I cleaned up and got the kitchen organized to bake some cookies!
Baking with the boys is one of my favourite things to do! Not only do you get baked goods out of it, but it's a great way to learn about measurement and fractions!
The rest of the day included a trip to the playground, and lots and lots of LEGO!
I had an appointment with one of my clients this week, and as we were discussing "Common Obstetric Interventions" I noticed the husband snap a shot of me rambling on! I asked him to text me the shot this morning and I just love it! I think it perfectly captured the way speak and depicts my passion for informed choice in childbirth! I can just imagine what I'm saying..."There's a vast amount of research that shows undisturbed birth is best for mothers and babies!" I LOVE my doula work!
The rest of the weekend I spent getting ready for another season of
Mountain Markets!
You would think that after participating in the markets as a vendor every weekend last summer that I would have started preparing for the first market of the year ahead of time...that's just not my style...
I wanted to really jazz up my booth! Last year I decided my lemonade would be called Sunshine in a Cup! That much I had done! This year I really wanted to make some bunting for my tent, and make a new signt that looked a little more "crafty" I knew exactly the "look I wanted, the problem was when I went to get started on actually crafting these projects my desk looked like this...
So I got that taken care of...

Then I could sit down and start crafting my bunting! I went to a wedding last summer and they had bunting strung across the reception hall, and the bride told me it was scrap book paper! I knew I wouldn't have time to sew the bunting so the weekend before I picked up a pad of scrapbook paper so I could try and figure out how to go about it...leave it to pinterest. I found
great directions all over that site.
The only problem with scrapbook paper bunting, is that my lemonade stand operates rain or shine!
I decided to laminate the paper once I was done. The following photos will give you an idea of the kind of crafting I did on Saturday...One day before the market!
And once that was finished I started on my sign! Which was extra exciting because I got to use MODGE PODGE...the best goo I've ever experienced!
Come and get'chya some SUNSHINE IN A CUP!