today i organized my electrical cable storage. i know, i know...who cares! right? well, i've been working really hard around my home to 'get organized & stay that way' seriously, it's tons of work! but it is worth every "i wish i could just si'down and chill out!" moment. honest.
i brought so many boxes of belongings to the sally ann in the past two weeks. it feels so good to let it all go. and you wouldn't believe how easy it is to keep the clutter hidden when there isn't any. my initial inspiration came from the book i blogged about in january, i have crossed out a many 'to do' list items since reading it. but there was always more to add to the list of to-do's, and some items just got left behind. but then...amy from my h.s. 4x800 track & field relay team introduced me to jen over at i heart organizing on pinterest (if you do not know about better get on it!) and she has given me so much inspiration. i heart jen! i was secretly jealous of her too...until yesterday when she revealed her electronic storage! AH HA!!! she's just like you and me! she's got a to do list, she's learning, growing, and sharing tips along the way. that made me feel better, and i don't envy her any more. since electronic cable storage was one of those 'got left behind' items on my own to do list...well see for yourself.
then my girl dawn came over and she helped me move my crafting desk into my bedroom which free'd up space in the spare room ~turned office today~ for the computer desk, which left my living room looking so spacious and clutter camera is on the fritz, so the pics are kinda shabby, and i wish i'd taken more time for all the before and after shinanigans...but i'll post what i've got, then catch ya up...when i solve my camera dilemma...
spare room BEFORE
...still got some work to do
living room BEFORE
bedroom corner BEFORE
just you wait and see what this craft corner turns into...then starts to produce! my craft dreams are about to become a reality! i hope this post inspires you to organize your electronic cable storage and more...ha! i gotta get to bed.
Whoa. I need you!!! to come over to my apartment.