Saturday, March 5, 2011

she's crafty..she gets around

this morning i was so flippin' tired! that's what happens when you stay up all night publishing a new blog and dreaming big!  winston woke up at quarter to 7 and wanted milk.  i'm breast deep in weaning him right now...consciously of course. anyways my initial desire was to lay in bed with him and breastfeed him.  but i knew that feeling was coming from being tired, and last night he slept through the night, so i knew i just had to wake up, greet the day and congratulate him on sleeping through the night.  let me tell ya, i wasn't the most enthusiastic mama on earth.  he continued to ask for milk for about 20 minutes, and eventually he was distracted by...
baba rose's cookies sitting on the counter.  yeah, lisa's in town and with her came baba's cookies. my half asleep state i said he could have one!  what the?  what kind of message am i trying to send my kid?  no you can't have breastmilk, but you can start the day with a chocolate cookie?  i'm sitting across the table from him, soaking up my mulled apple tea, adjusting to being awake and he looks at me like this...
suddenly i'm wide awake  filled to the brim with love and  i realize...hey! if we can't have a chocolate cookie for breakfast once in a blue moon, then i'm not being very authentic am i? so my mood changes in an instant and i feel excited about the day.  the griz days craft fair and pancake breakfast is this morning and i'm on a mission to be inspired....

mission accomplished...

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